Monday, July 27, 2015

My Ramblings...Beware!

Unless I focus, the things I plan just don't happen.  LOL  I have really been feeling some type of way this last week.  Things that have happened in the last week....

I have been experiencing lower back pain.
Where did it come from?  I have never had this kind of pain before!!!! The only thing I can think of is I turned my bed a different way!  That's it!  I promise, tonight I'm turning it back around!!  Pray with me that this works!  I have taken Advil, but it still comes back (no pun intended).  I just don't understand and it is very annoying!

Daughter's Friend Lost Her Boyfriend
I got the news yesterday afternoon that my daughter's friend lost her boyfriend due to a drowning accident.  I am lost for words.  He's about 25 years old if that and was away at college.  I am at a lost for words.  I have their picture in my living room.  This  is very sad and that's an understatement.

I got a loan from my retirement account.  Yep, didn't know I could do it.  Paid down some bills and put some away for savings.  Glad I could withdraw it.

Did I say my back hurts???? Ugh!

I watch the reality show The Preacher's Daughters, OMG!  I guess if a camera was on me like that people would say the same about me, but the back talking and gestures from the show were out of this world!

I need another book to read!  I guess I will download Lion Among Men.  I have a void to fill ever since I finished the last book, Son of a Witch.  I started listening to the Twighlight Zone on Audiobooks, but I swear I have seen and heard them all.  I have had marathons of the shows as soon as I get past the theme music!  So scary!

I'm going on a trip in August to Orlando and I really don't want to go now!  I hate getting ready for trips b/c that's where I spend all of my money!  I have vowed to spend none....we'll see how that goes!

I tasted a white chocolate sugar crystal covered strawberry yesterday.  It was soooooo good! 

The Question of My Life:  Will I ever get married?  Will I ever date again?  My last dating scene was horrible!  Full of lies and deceit I just couldn't take it anymore.  I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life, but I don't want to be with a jerk either.

Task for today
Weigh my self and post...omg!
Weekly Meal Prep

Monday, July 13, 2015

Audiobooks: Son of a Witch by Gregory Maguire

I'm listening to Son of a Witch (Unabridged) by Gregory Maguire on #Audible for #Android. Get the app free: @audible_com

Since I was a child and captivated by one of my first favorite fantasy movies, The Wizard of Oz, I've always longed for those types of movies and books.  So when I heard a coworker mention the book "Wicked" to me, I was speechless.  She even loaned me her book and from day one I could not put it down!  The twists that were put on this story were brilliant!  After completing the book I felt drained and that life has no purpose.  I feel ready at that point to leave this life and search for that land or the characters that were in the book!  I really do!  Well this book was no different.  The endings are so full of dramatic events and leaves you wanting more.  I beleive there are two more books to this series as of now.  I'll just have to get myself together to start the new one.  I wish they could be put into film!  I really do!

My Bucket List and Why it's Mine

Ah, the coveted bucket list!
Yes, I do have one!  What's on it, well let's see....

#4 See a Broadway Play
I remember being in school and seeing the most well put together play in the world!  It was a the local civic center, A Mid Summer Night's Dream, I believe and the stage was amazing!  The characters were amazing!  And the play was mesmerizing!  I long for that day again, so I really want to see Wicked, The Lion King, and/or Legally Blonde ( I saw this play on TV - it was amazing even on TV!)  So, I think I actually want to travel to New York (I've never been), so that I can get the full effect there!  I'm thrilled just speaking about it!

#3 Learn to Play the Piano

Yep, I would love to do that.  Being a fan of Stevie Wonders and Alicia Keys doesn't help this I'm sure.  I love piano music, like for real for real!  It's so soothing and mellow or can not be, but that's the kind I like.  So classical and eloquent and flowing...yep, I long to be able to play this instrument.  I don't see myself in an opera house or anything like that.  Just home, in my well lit den, on my piano, playing and singing.  I think I have a good ear for music or I like to tell myself that.  This is really one of my dreams.  I just have to find the time to take lessons.  I'm terrified though.  I wonder if I can practice on a keyboard since I can't afford or don't want to invest in a piano at this time?  I just picture a mean, stout lady with (with a bun) and a ruler in her hand who will crack my knuckles with her ruler whenever I hit the wrong note! Yikes!
I just think it would be so soothing!

#2 Learn to Swim

Ok, after #1 (you'll read in a minute), I would like to learn how to swim.  I'll head over to the YMCA, take some classes and be swimming with the dolphins in no time!  Ok, swimming with the dolphins is extremely figurative speaking.  Don't think I would ever want to get in the ocean past my knees.  Nope, no thank you, have at it, and good luck!  I'm sure when I decided to, Jaws, the whale from the Bible, the Lockness monster, and all the mysterious creatures of the sea will somehow introduce themselves to me. No thanks!  However, if I went on a cruise and the boat capsizes as in Titanic, maybe I'll have a fighting chance...I guess...if somehow I can get the sea creatures to join in the rescue and not eat me up.  Or if I'm leisurely at the pool or the beach and someone needs rescuing...I don't know.  I like being around water, so I feel that it's only appropriate that I learn to swim.
#1 50lb Weight Loss - currently 195lbs

Yep, I don't think anything else happens if this doesn't happen and fast.  Ok, I know it doesn't need to happen fast or it won't last.  But I don't think people understand this who haven't been through or going through this.  People say looks aren't everything, but let me just drop these 50lbs please and be healthy at the same time!  I've never been this heavy in my life and I'm tired of it!  I haven't seen the 180's in so long!  I don't remember when I weighed that much, maybe back in 2012.  I can't believe I just kept gaining! I don't know maybe I thought I was invincible...sigh.  I can't wait, I can't wait when I see someone I haven't seen in awhile and they are like, you look really good!  Instead of saying, OMG you have gained weight!  I have heard plenty of conversations of ladies talking about other ladies' weight and I cringe because I know they could easily be talking about me. :-(    

Sound Off!

So there you have it.  Hmmm, a timeline you say?  Well, I would definitely like #1 and #2 to happen this year.  We'll revisit the rest after that and probably add more to the list at that time.  Got a bucket list or recently marked some things off?  Share it!  Or...tell me about mine.  Do you share the same goals?  Have you experienced any of them?  I would love to hear what you have to say! 

Here We Go Again!

I've been dying to get back to blogging.  So after dying and coming back LOL, I decided to pry this site back open and express myself on this platform!  Not only are you lucky to be reading my blog, you have been brought here for a reason!  That reason I do not know, but we'll find out together.  How about that?  So let's go....
So what I have I been up to?  A couple of things, I suppose.  I'm on a weight loss/ healthy-me journey.  I was diagnosed with diabetes late last year and that kind of scared me a little.  So it's been a struggle, but I'm still rolling.  I'm doing better than I was so that's good news.  I'm borderline for the most part so with me consistently being borderline, I'm a diabetic.  My A1c was 6.5, now it's 5.9 ( I think).  I was put on Metformin for Diabetes and Pravastatin for Cholesterol and I don't like taking either one.  So my motivation really is to get off of the medication.  While I'm seeing this may not happen for a while even with good reports I'm fighting with a two-prong attack, health and fitness. 
I use tracking religiously.  I really believe in it, it has helped me tremendously.  I log in my exercise there as well.  I have tried other websites like My Fitness Pal, but I always seem to go back to Livestrong.  I also use the Endomondo Android app for tracking my exercises.  I have always liked the layout and ease of use.  I wish the two apps would marry each other, that would be nice.  Anyhoo, my daily calorie count is a little under 1300 a day, but with 30 minutes to an hour a day exercise, I can eat more.  While I can eat more, I still try to stay clean.  My exercise routine usually consists of walking and sometimes a little jogging, an emphasis on the little or a high impact aerobics DVD depending on my mood.  I really feel good when I do my exercise.  Hopefully this blog will keep me gong-ho about it!
In tracking my daily food intake, I try to plan for the week or day what I'm going to consume.  This really protects me, but if I don't make the time, I try my best to stay away from sodas, juices, sugary drinks period, fried foods, and bread, rice pasta and sweets.  I try to incorporate yummy foods into my plan so I don't deprive myself. 

The #1 thing that I need to work on is weekend eating. Somehow my mind tells me that I have done good all week and I can reward myself.  I literally let myself go, so I have to start all over again the following Monday!  Sigh....I must move past this!  I must!